Adam Brownsell
Publisher, Chemistry World
Before becoming the publisher of Chemistry World, I worked in medical, educational and professional publishing for over 15 years in various capacities. I'm particularly interested in publishing technologies and making the best of what digital has to offer the magazine reader. Throughout my varied career I've found that the most important thing is to tell great stories, with insight and integrity. I believe we do that at Chemistry World.
- Opinion
Observing the state’s transition
Sweeping changes on both sides of the Atlantic have yet to deliver on their promises
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Plastics and pandemics
The Covid-19 pandemic is our top priority but the plastic problem isn’t going away
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UK homes stockpiling 40 million electronic devices containing rare elements
Hoarding of electronic devices stores up problem for the future as demand for rare elements increases
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Death of the author
The first machine-generated book in chemistry is here. But is it any good? And what future does it herald?
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23 things that happened in chemistry in 2018
Lot’s of chemistry happened in 2018, here’s a review of the year in numbers
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Readdressing success
Prizes not only recognise excellence, they can challenge us to be better too
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A bold plan for Open Access
European research funders form Coalition S to set out bold vision for Open Access publishing
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Chemistry A-level entries show rise in popularity
Exam results in the UK show more young people, particularly young women, are studying chemistry