All articles by Chemistry World – Page 2
Letters: March 2024
Readers provide an update on a band keratopathy project, share their love… and then there’s fireworks
Letters: February 2024
Readers reminsce about the launch of Chemistry World 20 years ago, and ponder the problems of decarbonisation, PFAS and fireworks
Investigating the behaviour of water at material interfaces
Find out about the behaviour of water at the boundaries of materials
Culinary chemistry: Exploring the science of baking with Josh Smalley
Join chemist and Bake-Off finalist Josh Smalley live from his kitchen laboratory for a webinar with a culinary twist
Letters: January 2024
Readers clarify the details of Pfizer’s future plans, muse on the philosophy of assembly theory and more
Steeped: The chemistry of tea – with author Michelle Francl
Learn more about the chemistry involved in brewing the perfect cup of tea
Letters: December 2023
Readers stand up for school technicians, share concerns about fireworks and speculate about element 121
Letters: November 2023
Readers share how the Talent Project is supporting technicians, share a proposal for enhanced oil recovery, and more
Overloaded with author Ginny Smith
Hear from author Ginny Smith about her book Overloaded: how every aspect of your life is influenced by your brain chemicals
Letters: October 2023
Readers discuss antibiotic challenges, muse about micrographs and remember Philip Eaton
Astronomical spectroscopy: understanding the complex chemistry hidden between the stars
Find out how scientists are resolving the chemistry of the gaps between the stars and planets
Letters: September 2023
Readers estimate the contribution of lithium mining on power consumption, consider Alzheimer’s antibody therapies and more
Nobel prize in chemistry 2023: Reactions
See our reaction to the 2023 Nobel prize in chemistry announcement
Antimicrobial resistance: Exploring the One Health perspective and wastewater monitoring
The challenges created by antimicrobial resistance are only set to grow. Join us to equip yourself with the most up-to-date facts and knowledge
Letters: August 2023
Readers discuss the history of atoms, and ask for help treating a chronic eye condition
Letters: June 2023
Readers discuss energy strategies and the rarity of rare earth metals, and call for survey volunteers
Letters: May 2023
Readers clarify the activity of the panel examining the crustacean mortality event
Poisonous tales with author Hilary Hamnett
Hear from author Hilary Hamnett about her new book Poisonous tales: a forensic examination of poisons in fiction
Driving the battery recycling revolution
Hear from experts about steps being taken to improve Li-ion battery recycling technology