All articles by Chemistry World – Page 3
Letters: April 2023
Including an invitation to review articles for the National Research Foundation of Ukraine
Robots in the lab – learn how automation can streamline your workflow
The future of lab automation is promising. Join us to find out answers to the most important questions, and to contribute your knowledge and experience to the discussion.
Uranus: exploring the ice-cold chemistry of the ‘frozen frontier’
Find out why scientists are planning a new space mission to explore the planetary ice giant Uranus
Letters: December 2022
Readers discuss the practical nature of chemistry and speak up for brewers
Is this the future of bioplastics upcycling?
Learn more about chemical methods for a new route to active upcycling of PLA
Letters: November 2022
Readers reminisce about their careers, and continue the competition to be the RSC’s longest-serving member
Letters: October 2022
Readers discuss the meaning of life and compete to be the longest-serving RSC member
Nobel prize 2022: Quick crossword
Put your Nobel knowledge to the test with our quick online crossword
Sign up to Re:action
Sign up to Re:action – a weekly email where our editors curate the top chemical science stories, explain what’s happening and why it matters
Nobel prize in chemistry: reactions
See our reaction to the 2022 Nobel prize in chemistry announcement
Letters: September 2022
Readers celebrate apprenticeships, near-miss reporting and plants in urban areas
Letters: July 2022
Readers call for international cooperation, near-miss reporting and less emphasis on deriving equations
Letters: June 2022
Readers share poems and memories, and report a textbook theft by the man who stole Einstein’s brain
Letters: May 2022
Readers reminisce about a smelly interview question and curl up with their favourite arrow-based textbook
Letter from scientists of Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian descent to governments and science funding organisations
Academics call for immediate action to support Ukrainian scholars at risk
Letters: March 2022
Readers produce a model view of June Lindsay’s work, and describe a creative use of parafilm