All Climate change articles – Page 5
Looking beyond the next wave
We need to apply lessons from Covid-19 to tackle antimicrobial resistance and climate change
Eunice Foote: the mother of climate change
The first person to link carbon dioxide to atmospheric warming has almost been forgotten. Rachel Brazil uncovers her story
Should scientists be activists?
Scientific objectivity isn’t stopping researchers from standing up for what they believe in
Tackling climate change from the lab
Energy and water wasted in the lab can quickly outweigh household use
Fossil industries promise net emissions reductions
Can the oil industry really curb its carbon output fast enough to impact climate targets?
CFCs responsible for half of Arctic sea-ice loss
Halogenated compounds responsible for one third of global warming in the late 20th century
Electrolyser selectively consumes carbon dioxide in unpurified flue gas
Method tackles kinetic and thermodynamic hurdles
The dangers of global warming have been understated but so have our options to fight it
Analysis finds rates of decarbonisation significantly higher than thought
Reclaiming fuel from air
The companies trying to capture atmospheric carbon and transform it to hydrocarbons using green energy
Don’t be sniffy about sewage – or concrete
Do you flush and forget? Time to make a stink about concrete’s emissions
Electrochemistry can cut cement’s carbon footprint to virtually zero
Cement’s carbon emissions are a big problem for the industry but renewable energy could see the process go green
Engineered cyanobacteria turn carbon dioxide into petrol substitute
Strategy transforms wild photosynthetic organism into a system that could reduce humanity’s reliance on fossil fuels
Selective graphene membranes could invigorate carbon capture technology
Concept shows promise as a way to sidestep the energy penalties of numerous industrial separations
Curbing industry’s carbon emissions
Replacing fossil-fuelled furnaces with renewable electrical heating and cutting carbon from some heavy industries could make a serious dent in climate targets
Trump repeals and replaces Obama’s clean power plan to curb coal emissions
Affordable Clean Energy Rule lets states determine how or whether to regulate pollution from coal-fired power plants
Ambitious Irish climate plan aims for zero-carbon economy by 2050
Targets floated for one million electric cars and 70% renewable energy by 2030
Helicopter NMR prepares to detect Arctic oil spills
ExxonMobil-funded project readies giant airborne coil for accidents as shipping lanes open up
Switching UK’s gas network to hydrogen perfectly possible, report finds
Repurposing the natural gas network would cut out country’s biggest source of carbon emissions