All alcohol articles
Interstellar cloud conditions yield ‘impossible molecule’
Discovery of rule-breaking compound hypothesised to exist for decades ‘pushes the boundaries of our understandings of chemistry’
Clever ligand design enables alcohol-directed C-H activation
Despite being the most common functional group in nature alcohols have proven difficult to functionalise
Volcanoes and meteorites may have delivered catalysts for life’s beginning
Iron-rich nanoparticles can catalyse conversion of CO2 to complex organic molecules
Water works as medium for reactions that reduce carboxylic acids
Catalytic system works on a wide range of acid substrates and doesn’t require precious metals or air and moisture intolerant reagents
Chemists put the colour-changing ‘ouzo effect’ under the microscope
Greater understanding of the anise-flavoured spirit’s cloudy mix could lead to better emulsions
The power of oxygen
Running oxidations on lab scale and plant scale – with the help of bleach
Drink? The New Science of Alcohol and Your Health
A book questioning the normalcy of drinking, exploring personal and policy responses to excessive alcohol consumption
Uncovering the sources of contaminated sanitisers
Methanol and 1-propanol could get into hand gels by unintentional or deliberate adulteration
Whiskey webs could snare counterfeiters
Unique patterns formed by whiskey residues could aid investigations into imitation liquors
Catalyst cleans up alcohol couplings
Eight years’ work yields Mitsunobu chemistry with nothing but water as a byproduct
Explainer: non-alcoholic beer and wine
For Dry January and beyond, drinkers are thirsty for beers and wines that don’t get you drunk
Beer: Music to your taste buds
Andy Extance goes on tour in the UK and Belgium and compares the science behind the different processes used by craft and mass brewers
The morning after the night before
Replacing alcohol with a more benign drug sounds like a great idea, but it faces insurmountable hurdles, says Mark Peplow
How to unstopper a stopper
Years as a practical chemist can come in useful when trying to unjam a dram
A pint a day
Sterile, free of toxic metals, isotonic and good for the heart, beer is undeserving of decades of bad press.