Astrochemistry – Page 3
Yeast thriving in hydrogen hints at possibility of life on exoplanets
First demonstration of non-adapted microorganisms growing in 100% H2 shows that life could exist even under seemingly hostile conditions
Superconductivity discovered in extra-terrestrial objects for the first time
Material in meteorites is likely to have formed under intense conditions
The indomitable Toshiko Mayeda
Matthew Shindell traces one female scientist’s story from an internment camp to studying the chemistry of the solar system
Computer says no to membrane-bound life on Titan
Scientists quash inside–out cell membrane theory but don’t completely rule out possibility of life on cryogenic liquid hydrocarbon worlds
Crystals reveal the site of the world’s oldest meteorite strike
Mineral chemistry suggests the massive impact 2.3 billion years ago could have made our entire planet much warmer
Mineral never before seen in nature found inside Australian meteorite
Black-and-red rock that fell to Earth 68 years ago contains iron carbide compound
Mystery around actinides deepens as researchers challenge study on heavy elements’ origin
Was a giant supernova rather than a neutron star collision responsible for creating the solar system’s actinides?
International Space Station experiments will search for key to soot-free flames
Microgravity research could help to burn fuels more cleanly and cut soot’s contribution to ill health and climate change
Violent stellar collision near early solar system created actinides
A single neutron star merger produced almost all curium and plutonium that ever existed in the solar system
Water found in asteroid dust collected by Japan's Hayabusa probe
Scientists calculate that half of the water on Earth could have been delivered by meteorites
Helium hydride ion detected in space for the first time
Terahertz rotational spectroscopy identifies long-sought molecular bond in a nebula
DNA sugar could form on icy asteroids and comets
Water–methanol ices bombarded with UV simulate conditions found on comets and asteroids
The radio telescopes exploring our universe
How astrochemists are identifying molecules light-years away from Earth
Catching Stardust: Comets, Asteroids and the Birth of the Solar System
Revealing the mysteries of space, one mote of dust at a time
Super-reactive molecule could solve space sugar mystery
How did carbohydrates form in space and on early Earth? The clue might be in the carbene
Formylphosphine synthesised in space-like conditions
Research suggests that formylphosphine should be detectable in outer space
A galaxy far, far away holds oldest oxygen ever seen
Oxygen discovered 13 billion light years away hints at earliest star formation after big bang
Venusian near-UV absorber mystery solved
Spectra of sulfur compounds found in Venusian atmosphere match those made in lab
Searching for the chemistry of life on exoplanets
The protoplanetary discs that surround young stars and give birth to planets are chemical labs that can reveal which planets might host life