Helen Carmichael
Helen Carmichael began her science writing career 20 years ago on Chemistry in Britain, which later became Chemistry World. Since then she has reported on a wide range of science, policy and environmental topics for publications based in the UK, Europe and North America. She lives in Dorset, UK.
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Canada’s science community content with Trudeau’s victory
New government offers the promise of liberating government scientists as well as research agencies
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Eleventh hour reprieve for world-class Canadian NMR facility
Last minute deal staves off closure but details have yet to be hammered out
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Signing science
Helen Carmichael reports on a project that’s making sign language scientifically articulate
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Changing phases
John Goodby has discovered new forms of matter and invented new materials. Helen Carmichael speaks to him about his career
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A career in careers
Finding a job took an unexpected turn when Victoria Walker discovered a talent for getting jobs for others. Helen Carmichael reports
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World faces up to Syria's chemical weapons legacy
Production and mixing facilities have been destroyed but 1000 tonnes of chemical precursors still need to be dealt with
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Access all areas
How do aspiring chemists with disabilities fare at university, and where can they get support? Helen Carmichael talks to staff and students at one university to find out
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European research funding deal on the Horizon
Funding programme secures €70 billion, down 14% on the original budget proposal
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French convinced sarin used in Syria
Labs in France and the UK have both confirmed the presence of the nerve agent in biological samples
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Making the masters choice
Today’s chemistry graduates could find that those with an extra year of study under their belts are landing the best opportunities. Helen Carmichael reports
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Canada’s research council is open – for business
Government plans to turn scientific body into a ‘tool for industry’ leading to fears basic research will be sidelined
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Canada investigates silenced scientists
Information commissioner will follow up complaints of government interference and ‘muzzling’ of researchers talking to the press
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Toxicologist with pesticides on the brain
Vanessa Fitsanakis’ career in toxicology goes all the way back to the farm where she grew up. Helen Carmichael traces her journey from agriculture to academia
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Cleaning up
From washing clothes to saving lives, the products of Phil Souter’s watery work can be found across the globe, as Helen Carmichael finds out
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Life science companies see mixed fortunes in Québec
Canada's pharmaceutical and life sciences hub hit by cutbacks as effects of global slowdown continue to be felt
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Pharma firms see mixed fortunes in Quebec
Canada’s pharmaceutical and life sciences hub hit by cutbacks as effects of global slowdown continue to be felt
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Canada research budget boost costs the environment
Greater support for industry and venture capital comes at a cost to environmental research
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Nanotechnology risks get minimal press coverage
Newspaper articles are generally positive about nanotech, according to latest analysis