All articles by Jennifer Newton – Page 4
Humble Pi: A Comedy of Maths Errors
Matt Parker’s book shows just how serious the consequences of mathematical mistakes can be
‘I taught my local restaurant how to make noodles’
Organic chemistry maestro Jin-Quan Yu on football, food and cleaving the C–H bond
Chiral curiosities
The challenges posed by asymmetry go hand in hand with fascinating insights into developmental biology
Gene Machine: The Race to Decipher the Secrets of the Ribosome
Venki Ramakrishnan tells the story of his journey from physics student to chemistry Nobel laureate
Cluster fundamentals
Stefanie Dehnen discusses the exotic structures of inorganic chemistry’s middle ground
Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science’s Highest Honor
Is the Nobel prize advancing or hampering scientific progress?
The potential of promiscuity
Nobel recognition for a concept whose benefit to humankind is far from being truly realised
Chernobyl: History of a Tragedy
What went wrong on the 26 April 1986 disaster and what continued to go wrong in the days, weeks and years that followed
Plant machinery functions inside synthetic protocell
Self-assembling microdroplets filled with chloroplasts show photosynthetic potential
'My co-author is based in North Korea'
The challenges of working with scientists in the world’s most secretive state
Germanium analogue of cyclobutadiene isolated
Polar Jahn–Teller distortion stabilises unusual molecule
Making the monster: the science behind Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
A book that delves into the backstory of a sci-fi horror classic
Tofu works as tissue-engineering scaffold
Garlic, ginger and chilli swapped for fibroblast cells
Computer literate
Computational chemistry is no longer an esoteric sub-discipline, it’s everywhere
Uranium at heart of rare hydrogen cyanide complex
Turquoise powder is only second example of a hydrogen cyanide complex of a uranium compound