Computational chemistry – Page 11
AI reactivity predictor considers both molecular and electronic properties
Machine-learning model tested on electrochemical systems
Algorithm predicts mortality of Covid-19 patients from blood biomarkers
Artificial intelligence tool to help doctors prioritise treatment
Mechanism maps predict chemoselectivity of NHC-catalysed transformations
Product forecasts from energy barrier calculations will help guide organocatalytic reactions
Welcoming a new era: A time for digital scientific discovery
Robots, artificial intelligence and machine learning are evolving chemistry practice. The Royal Society of Chemistry has a plan for harnessing our increasingly digitalised world
Your new labmate does 700 reactions in eight days – and it’s a robot
Robotic chemist optimises water-splitting photocatalyst by working continuously for eight days even in complete darkness
Excited state potential energy curves reignite diatomic carbon’s bond order conundrum
Molecular orbital theory-based approach backs quadruple bond
Can computational chemistry benefit from blockchain?
It could be a new paradigm in safeguarding science, but it might just tie our hands
Chemistry’s reproducibility crisis that you’ve probably never heard of
Legacy issues are posing important questions for scientific software developers
Unnatural reaction benefits from computational tool that teaches an old enzyme new tricks
Method could generate artificial enzymes that are more suitable for directed evolution
Algorithm devises synthetic contingency plans for Covid-19 drug
Retrosynthesis software tool can identify multiple synthetic routes that use inexpensive and diverse starting materials while avoiding patented methods
Model maps solvent effects on non-covalent interactions
Tool will help experimental chemists pick the best solvent for their reaction
Safety and sustainability of plastic: How the circular economy is relevant
Global warming and ocean pollution are among the most publicly discussed topics in society today – and a circular economy relevant to both
Chemists amid coronavirus: Lee Cronin
A University of Glasgow chemist finds that it’s no easy task to maintain a research group of about 70 during a pandemic that’s closed your lab
Collaboration is key to AI-aided drug discovery
The AI Cures project shows how artificial intelligence can assist the search for a cure for Covid-19
Algorithm tracks down buried treasure among existing compounds
Tool tested by picking photoactive molecules out of a pharma database
Database offers another way to search for drugs – by activity not structure
Dataset offers new way for biomedical researchers to identify potential drug candidates
Machine learning concocts carbon dioxide conversion catalyst
Computation guides experiments towards a de-alloyed copper–aluminium catalyst
Time for a clear stance on raw NMR data storage
Impressive technological tools are pointless without data transparency