All social media articles
Global ‘census’ of chemistry on YouTube finds thriving ecosystem of indie producers
Chemistry channels are primarily made up of independents with no affiliation with an institution or organisation but a passion to talk science
Planning for public engagement in 2024
As a new year begins, take some time to think about the communication opportunities ahead
Big Manny’s viral science content is making chemistry relatable and accessible
From lab to back garden, this content creator is inspiring young people to continue studying science
Chemistry bots under threat from changes to Twitter’s API rules
Bots that collate papers and provide retrosynthetic analysis could all end if charges are introduce
Mental health in science
How Zoë Ayres has used social media for advocacy and to increase visibility
How do you seal your vials?
The challenge of keeping reagents free of moisture and air took Twitter by storm
What’s the secret science of conspiracy theories?
Conspiracies can tell us a lot about science and society
Using social media for personal branding
Being honest online helped my career reach new heights
The benefits of science communication on social media
How finding an online community reignited a passion for chemistry
Twitter reveals growing global public anxiety about Crispr gene-editing
Sentiment in tweets shows controversial events such as creation of gene-edited babies is worrying people
Fact checkers take up the fight against fake science on Facebook
Facebook teams up with fact checkers to tackle its science misinformation problem – but is it working?
Twitter chemistry poster conference continues to grow as it celebrates its fifth anniversary
Royal Society of Chemistry’s Twitter poster conference hopes to get chemistry trending on social media
Passing Twitter follower threshold lets scientists escape echo chamber
As researchers exceed 1000 Twitter followers they broaden their audience and amplify their message
Why social media matters
Sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are ideal for building connections and finding a job, explains Charlotte Ashley-Roberts
Digital defenders
Chris Chapman meets the volunteers guarding scientific accuracy on the world’s busiest websites