Inorganic chemistry – Page 9
Rare subvalent compound sits on the fence between semiconductors and intermetallics
Liquid indium solvent and sulfur-poor conditions allow scientists to create a new subchalcogenide
Uranium-reducing electrode cleans up groundwater
Electrochemical technique could limit spread of uranium at contaminated sites
Intense sound fields make mercury react with water
After nearly a century, scientists can explain why a grey cloud forms when mercury and water are sonicated
Trigold anion is first example of strange twisted aromaticity
A blue tin–gold cluster is the first to show in-plane σ-Möbius aromaticity
Double aromaticity found in boron analogue of metallabenzene
Boron–rhenium cluster is both σ- and π-aromatic
First stable solid pentavalent plutonium compound stumbled upon by chance
Never-before-seen form of plutonium could shake up models of how radioactive contaminants disperse in the environment
Copernicium behaves like a volatile noble liquid, simulations suggest
Relativity plays a part in making element 112 very different to its counterparts in group 12
Transition metal complex with geometry predicted over 100 years ago raises eyebrows
A hexagonal planar complex containing rare palladium–magnesium bonds has been reported for the first time
Atom-by-atom experiments at the edge of the periodic table
Only a few atoms of oganesson have ever been made – and they all vanished in less time than it took you to read this
Large gold nanoclusters are surprisingly stable paramagnets
An odd electron makes the magnetism
Human biases cause problems for machines trying to learn chemistry
Including ‘unpopular’ reagents and reaction conditions into datasets could lead to better machine-learning models
Superheavy oganesson is a semiconductor
The heaviest element known continues to defy the rules of the periodic table
The third degree on actinide covalency
The often ignored elements are attracting chemists’ attention again
Ionisation energy of promethium fills one of the last holes in periodic table
Experiment puts an end to 75-year-old mystery
First isolable thorium nitride complex made
Researchers use new complex to probe covalency of actinide–ligand double bonds
Chiral borane complexes catalyse new synthesis opportunities
N-heterocyclic carbene-borane complexes with a rare stereogenic boron centre demonstrate potential in stereoselective catalysis
First atom-thick perovskites show there’s no limits to crystallinity
Could 2D perovskite oxides become the next graphene?
Victor Ninov and the element that never was
20 years on, Kit Chapman investigates how a scientific scandal unfolded
Brown ring molecule defies the very definition of oxidation state
Classic nitrate test compound isolated for the first time challenges chemistry governing body’s ideas on oxidation state