All articles by Philip Ball – Page 10
Flowing rivers of mercury
Philip Ball investigates claims that the burial chamber of China’s first emperor contains rivers of shimmering mercury
A complete chemist
Philip Ball celebrates Paul Schleyer’s contributions to scientific discourse, spanning decades and disciplines
An end to bubble puzzle trouble?
Has a 20-year-old problem finally been solved, asks Philip Ball
Harvesting heat
Philip Ball looks at the thermoelectric materials that harness waste heat and turn it into useful energy
Probing molecules atom by atom
New NMR technique allows ultra-high-resolution of individual molecules
Appreciating art criticism
Philip Ball considers Chinese works of art that comment on environmental and chemical issues
Does life play dice?
Philip Ball wonders whether life evolved to exploit quantum phenomena, or if it’s just in our nature
Faulty enzyme link offers new ways to fight Parkinson’s
Research links Parkinson’s disease to an enzyme that affects the functioning of mitochondria
The fascinating in the familiar
A simple droplet shows that there are still plenty of puzzles to ponder in everyday observations, says Philip Ball
Molecular clocks may probe fundamental laws
Clocks based on the simplest molecule could weigh in on proton’s mass
How the Pelican got its hue
Philip Ball covers the chemical history of Penguin’s inexpensive educational books
The colourful science
Philip Ball traces how chemists and artists have been inspiring each other for centuries
Chemistry gets strange at water’s surface
Theoretical study suggests that ions with the same charge might actually become attracted to each other at an interface
Is junk DNA all garbage?
A brouhaha in biology shows that uncovering what we don’t know is more important than arguments about what we do, says Philip Ball
A fat lot of good
Lipids have been the the poor relations of DNA and proteins for some time, but Philip Ball discovers that they are ready to take centre stage