All articles by Philip Robinson – Page 4
Are you sitting comfortably?
Science has great tales to tell, but we mustn’t let a good story get in the way of the facts
Explosive chemistry
The Forensic Explosives Laboratory supports police investigations into unlawful use of explosives. Philip Robinson reports from Fort Halstead
Audit of fracking fluids highlights data deficiencies
Secrecy hampers efforts to understand potential risks of chemicals used in fracking
To detect and defend
Rebecca Hopkins tells Philip Robinson about her life and work as a scientist in the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Chemistry on the front line
Philip Robinson reports from the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory in Porton Down
By royal appointment
The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 brings UK science and industry together through its industrial fellowship scheme. Philip Robinson reports
Capital chemistry
This year, the University of Edinburgh celebrates three centuries since the appointment of its first chemistry professor. Philip Robinson looks back in time
Terahertz turns up fresco's hidden artwork
Concealed image in Louvre artifact revealed by terahertz spectroscopy, after other analytical techniques failed to do so
The truth about snake oil?
First analyses of elixirs, nostrums and other cures sold at the turn of the last century
Roy David ‘Gus’ Guthrie AM CChem FRSC (1934–2013)
Former Secretary General of the RSC and founding fellow of two Australian universities died on 12 January
NMR with a light touch
Scientists in the US are developing a novel NMR method that uses light to pick up the spin of nuclei
Shine on you crazy Diamond
The Diamond Light Source based at Harwell, UK, is celebrating its 10th anniversary and five years of operation
Guided by the light of a neutron candle
It is 80 years since James Chadwick discovered the neutral sub-atomic particle and 40 years since the Laue-Langevin Institute opened its doors. To celebrate, Philip Robinson visits the most intense neutron source in the world
Triazine boosts polymer energy storage
Lithium batteries could potentially store double the amount energy using a new porous framework electrode
Graphite super lube works at micron scale
Scientists show graphite surfaces can slide over each other with no interference from friction
X-ray vision uncovers hidden self portrait
Australian scientists use x-ray fluorescence to bring painted over artwork back to life again
X-ray vision uncovers hidden self portrait
A collaboration between scientists and art historians in Australia has uncovered a lost work of art by one of the country's most famous artists