Rebecca Brodie
I completed an undergraduate degree in forensic and analytical chemistry, and an honours degree in archaeological chemistry at Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide. Once I graduated I moved to the UK and completed a Master of Science degree at the University of Cambridge in geochemistry and paleoclimatology looking at Antarctic ice cores. After some time off to travel, I joined the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2007 and after a number of different positions I am now the deputy editor for Analyst, Analytical Methods, Lab on a Chip, JAAS and Food & Function. In addition to my role of working with the editorial boards and on journal strategies I enjoy contributing to Chemistry World when I can. Outside of work I enjoy travelling, hiking, photography and going to the cinema.
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Robots in Space: The Secret Lives of Our Planetary Explorers
The fantastic space adventures of Perseverance and its cousins
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Film: Spaceship Earth
A fascinating cautionary tale about a grand plan to build a self-sustaining replica of Earth’s ecosystem
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Rebel Star: Our Quest to Solve the Great Mysteries of the Sun
An absorbing read about the history of our investigation of the sun and the scientists who made breakthrough discoveries
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Laser technique watches how implants release drugs
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy continues to diversify its applications
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Pizza-baking process generates fluorescent nanoparticles
Scientists test toxicity of extra toppings
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Milk protein could alleviate metallic taste following chemotherapy
Study indicates that a lactoferrin supplement could treat taste and smell irregularities experienced by cancer patients
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Elemental maps of cocoa beans could help cut chocolate contaminants
New imaging technique locates multiple-elements in confectionery feedstock
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New ion trap method sets its sights on Mars
Technique that extends capabilities of existing instruments without physically modifying them could benefit origin-of-life studies on Mars
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Salivary salt modifies cheese’s tang
Researchers chew over link between physiology and flavour
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Quantifying UK carbon reduction potential
Implementing all possible carbon capture and reduction technologies could reduce UK’s carbon footprint by 8–32%
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Carbonate solvent makes for greener leather
Propylene carbonate helps to reduce amount of wastewater generated during leather tanning
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Catching up with legal highs
How do you test for drugs when you don’t know what you’re looking for?
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Seeing glucose through the skin
Technique could one day allow diabetics to manage their condition without drawing blood
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Hair elements distinguish ethnicity and gender
Paint analysis technique adapted to help find criminals
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Geological technique adapted to analyse Aboriginal Australian objects
Cultural heritage questions answered by mining equipment
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Therapeutic screening for Alzheimer’s disease
Sensor can see how drug candidates alter amyloid-β peptide aggregation
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Frank Vanhaecke: Analytical rock star
Frank Vanhaecke tells Rebecca Brodie that when it comes to chemistry he is better at pushing buttons than cooking
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The private lives of plants
New microfluidic assay could aid understanding of plant reproduction
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A fantastic voyage
Joseph Wang talks to Rebecca Brodie about nanoshuttles and the beauty of electrochemical devices