All free radicals articles
New database unlocks predictive power of radical polarity
Resource could help reduce trial and error in synthesis
Harnessing carbene reactivity with light
Two-step photocatalytic strategy produces metal carbenes easily and safely
Photochemistry sheds light on the direct functionalisation of native sugars
New radical reaction reduces the number of protection and deprotection steps needed, accelerating discovery of sugar compounds
DNA-damaging device could make mutant discovery safer and simpler
Cool microplasma jets create a stream of radicals that induce mutations
Evolved enzymes carry out new-to-nature radical chemistry
Directed evolution produces enzymes that can ‘tame’ radical intermediates for asymmetric catalytic reactions
Listening to quantum beats could reveal rhythm of birds’ migratory compass
Laser technique to read out oscillating spin states could help uncover how animals’ magnetic sense works
Free radicals for post-translational modification
A technique for forming new carbon–carbon bonds at specific sites in proteins
Rewriting the narratives surrounding radical transformations
Don’t let tired clichés get in the way of selective and sustainable chemistry
Gamma ray irradiation gives zeolites incredible bulk
Radiation accelerates early stages of crystal growth and creates larger pores that can adsorb six-times more gas
Push–pull radical theory finally vindicated after decades of back and forth
Solvent effect proves that captodative effect really exists after all
UV can introduce oxidation artefacts during protein purity tests
HPLC–UV–MS blamed for impurities spotted by AstraZeneca team
Superfluorinated peroxides surprise with stability
Fluorinated peroxides more stable than their non-fluorinated counterparts
Antioxidant repair keeps radical reaction running
Repurposed antioxidant’s mechanism-mending properties make tough alkene alkylation possible
TEMPO – (2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidin-1-yl)oxyl
Katrina Krämer speaks to organic chemist Daniel Allwood about a multi-talented molecule that proves that not all radicals live up to their name
Interlocked molecules encircle stable radicals
Catenane radicals with up to seven oxidation states might one day be used in memory devices
Unusual bicyclic molecule extends frontier of aromaticity
Odd resonance stabilisation observed in ground state opens door to studying poorly understood phenomenon
Chemists unravel why humans aren’t constantly bursting into flames
Strong π-bonding holds the secret to taming dioxygen diradicals
Phone screen light kills human eye cells
Low intensity blue light from smartphones and televisions kills human retinal cells