TLC/MS, the atmospheric liquids and solids probe (ASAP), and the volatile APCI source provide direct analysis without sample preparation – even for air-sensitive compounds.
With the daily need to analyze a variety of samples, these techniques are indispensable in a busy lab.
Learn how a single instrument can be adapted to each of these sample requirements and rapidly changed to accommodate back-to-back assays. Listen to users in the field speak about the innovative sample inlets that have cut down on sample prep and streamlined their everyday work flow.
During this webinar you will:
- Learn how the CMS offers real-time results and decision making right at the bench. This allows chemists to optimize reactions, know when to quench, and know when they have failed and to move on
- Learn several novel sample techniques that can streamline workflow in your lab
- Find fast analysis methods for liquids, solids and vapor-phase compounds
With over 20 years of mass spectrometry and chemistry expertise, Advion offers the exression family of compact mass spectrometers designed for the chemist. The affordability, small size and ease-of-use make them ideal for use directly at the chemist’s bench, giving immediate answers and informed decisions instead of waiting in line at a central analytical service laboratory. Quickly and effortlessly analyze samples from Flash chromatography, Prep-LC, SFC, TLC, (U)HPLC, or manual syringe injection. Now every synthetic chemist can have a mass spec that works the same hours that they do. Learn more at
Speaker: Jack Henion, PhD, Advion, Scientific Founder
Jack Henion is an internationally recognized leader in the field of MS and LC/MS. He is credited with nine patents and has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals. In addition to his work at Advion, Dr. Henion managed a major research laboratory at Cornell University, where he served as a professor of toxicology for more than 24 years and is now Emeritus
Speaker: Matthew Turner, Experimental Officer in Mass Spectrometry, Department of Chemistry, Loughborough University
Matthew joined the department as an experimental officer in mass spectrometry in March 2013. He started working as an analytical chemist specialising in the analysis of food contaminates and pharmaceuticals in 1996. He completed his BSc in Applied Chemistry at Nottingham Trent University and in 2006 he came to Loughborough to study for an MSc in Pharmaceutical and Analytical Science. In 2009 he joined Prof Paul Thomas’s research group as a PhD student looking at volatile organic compounds in human breath.
Speaker: Tao Yongfeng, Post Doctorate, The Romo Group, Baylor University
Yongfeng Tao received his BS in pharmacy in Fudan University in 2011 and MS in medicinal chemistry in 2014 at the same place. He then jointed the Romo group in 2014 as a PhD candidate. He is now a third-year graduate student whose work is mainly focused on natural product synthesis.
Speaker: Sean M. Kerwin, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Texas State University
Sean Kerwin joined the faculty of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Texas State University in 2015. Prior to that, he was a faculty in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Texas at Austin since 1991. He obtained his BS in chemistry from the University of Notre Dame and PhD in chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to beginning his academic career, he completed a postdoctoral in pharmaceutical chemistry at UCSF. Dr. Kerwin’s work has focused on drug discovery inspired by natural products, designed diradical- and carbene-generating cyclizations, and targeting non-canonical DNA structures.
Moderator: Benjamin Valsler, Digital editor, Chemistry World magazine
Ben is the digital editor of Chemistry World magazine, producing video and podcasts to accompany the magazine and website. Prior to joining the Royal Society of Chemistry, he was the producer of the award-winning Naked Scientists, making local and national radio programmes for the BBC, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Primedia in South Africa.