The astronaut and chemist on mountains, science careers and the view from space
I love mountain walking. That’s where I get my peace and tranquillity. Even when I was doing my astronaut training, I took time out to go to the Alps. I like the magnificence of the mountains – they help put life in perspective. It makes you realise your problems aren’t really that vast.
The first time I saw the Himalayas was from space. The way the light just reflects off the snow and ice is such a magnificent sight, and you can see the glistening rivers and pools of water. I realised I had to go there.
I’ve always enjoyed music; mostly classical, but also jazz, easy listening and types of music I wouldn’t recognise because I’m not young enough to know the names! Working and living at Imperial College, I’m just down the road from the Albert Hall, and the proms are always fabulous. I’ve always played the piano – I never made it big because my fingers aren’t long enough.