Tragedy of the Commons?

MPs in the House of Commons, London after they rejected Labour's motion of no confidence in Theresa May's Government by 325 votes to 306

Source: © House of Commons/PA Wire/PA Images

A chaotic EU exit threatens UK science

The problem with Brexit is that it’s been all things to all people. When the referendum campaign was underway the talk was all about retaining many of the benefits of membership of the EU but without the responsibilities. Those campaigning for leave were part of a broad church that included people that wanted to stay in the single market but restrict freedom of movement, those that sought a Norway style relationship with the EU or even something modelled on the recent trade deal with Canada. ‘No-deal’ and ‘WTO terms’ weren’t phrases that I remember being bandied about – they seemed unthinkable at the time. But with the UK now just a month away from leaving the EU, this ‘all things to all people’ approach has left the nation in a sticky situation.