All Chemistry World articles in January 2017
View all stories from this issue.
Chemical suppliers can help enhance lab efficiency
Choosing high quality ready-to-use blends and appropriate container sizes can help labs optimise their performance and also save money
Why icebergs float: exploring science in everyday life
Fernando Gomollón-Bel sets sail on a journey to discover why icebergs float
Functionalising pyridines with phosphonium salts
Newly-independent research groups often bring new perspectives to synthesis
Join us for our science communication competition final
Our 2017 sci-comm competition looks at chemistry where you live
January 2017 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the January 2017 print issue of Chemistry World
New opioid drugs
Creating powerful new painkillers is a constant battle against side-effects – particularly addictions. James Mitchell Crow reports
Northern Ireland
Eager investors and affordable living make the region a perfect base for new companies
Letters: January 2017
You share your memories of bromine explosions and question the blue flash of solvated electrons
Why Trump must rebuild the US–Russian nuclear relationship
The President elect must restart cooperation or risk a return to the cold war
Why science says you should brine your Christmas turkey
Unlock the flavour hidden in your roast with this delicious recipe