All Chemistry World articles in February 2017
View all stories from this issue.
Pittcon 2017
The big beast of analytical conferences – Pittcon – rolls into Chicago this March
Wisdom of the Martians of science: in their own words with commentaries
The stories of John von Neumann, Theodor von Kármán, Leo Szilárd, Eugene Wigner and Edward Teller
Stalin and the scientists: a history of triumph and tragedy 1905–1953
Scientific life in the Soviet Union
Supramolecular evolution
Can chemists embrace disequilibria like they have non-covalent interactions?
Why pain is part of making food delicious
The reason we love eating irritants like chillis and ginger
Hold SME back: threats to small business growth
Finding staff is now the leading barrier to growth for UK SMEs
How much is your chief executive worth?
The executive pay and equality debate is here to stay
Chemical fossils
Andy Extance finds out what organic molecules made by microorganisms and plants far in the past can tell us about climate
February 2017 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the February 2017 print issue of Chemistry World
Letters: February 2017
The many interesting ways you have almost ended up in hospital thanks to home-brew experiments
Finding a job in Seoul
South Korea’s vibrant metropolis is a hub for science, sights and spices
Drug regulation is a burden worth bearing
Calls to break down regulatory barriers show a misunderstanding of the industry
Why student debt may leave science dead on arrival
The cost of loans may drive chemists to leave countries such as the UK