All Chemistry World articles in March 2017
View all stories from this issue.
Outbreak! 50 tales of epidemics that terrorized the world
A tour of history’s most devastating diseases
Thinking of ink
Tattoos can be virtually any colour nowadays, but they are still tricky to remove
Outlines of ignorance
There’s a lot about chemistry that we just don’t understand very well yet
How to expand the Cahn–Ingold–Prelog rules for supramolecules
A single change could solve the problem of noncovalent interactions
Is your ego helping or hindering your career?
You’re so vain, you probably think this comment’s about you
Collaboration and competition can both stimulate innovation
Diverse approaches suit different goals
The chemist with x-ray vision
Mike Sutton tells the tale of John Kendrew and his work on the structure of myoglobin
Should scientists be taught how to work in a team?
Soft skills like teamwork and communication could boost undergraduates’ career prospects
How to tailor your CV for different countries
What employers in Germany, the US and the UK want
Letters: March 2017
Your answers to an iron dilemma, electric car output and whether we need to teach chemists maths
Hidden figures: where US STEM jobs have grown
The states that have seen the greatest change in STEM opportunities
Polymer amphiphiles could help reveal the origins of life
Spontaneous shapes and reactions to light may explain how protocells form