All Chemistry World articles in April 2017
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People power: EU chemical workforce and industry turnover
According to the European Chemical Industry Council, the EU chemical industry has a £450 billion turnover and some 1.1 million direct employees
DNA: the great book of life from Mendel to genomics
This year, Rome’s exhibition palace pays tribute to all things genetics
Rankings shouldn’t matter, but they do
Scoring universities is flawed yet still highly influential
Covalent inhibitor drugs
Exceptions to a long-held rule against chemically bonding to biological targets are powering new cancer medicines, finds Andy Extance
Why we are marching for science
The organisers of 22 April’s advocacy event share their vision
The PhD fellow
Rachel Fort reveals how she is completing a PhD while in full time employment
The flow revolution
Continuous approaches are starting to find use in fine chemicals, as Angeli Mehta discovers
Analytical data heads to the cloud
Many manufacturers were launching software instead of instruments at Pittcon
US suspension of fast-track specialist visa threatens research
Immigration agency decision set to delay student and researcher start dates
Tamed radicals expand chemical space
A method to functionalise complex molecules with catalytic radicals could expand chemical libraries of the drug and agrochemical industry
Murder without forensic evidence
The 2012 hunt for Michelle Mockbee’s killer emphasised detective skill over fingerprints
Expanding precision medicine beyond cancer
Exclusive interview with Koustubh Ranade, vice president of R&D at MedImmune