All Chemistry World articles in June 2017
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The imagineers of war
A history of the Pentagon’s infamous Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Sygnature Discovery
Sygnature Discovery is part of an innovative partnership to bolster the life science sector in Nottingham
Walking the Planck: the most-pirated chemistry journals on Sci-Hub
Papers from Nature have been downloaded over 234,000 times from Sci-Hub, making it the most-pirated journal on the site
Chemistry's piracy problem
‘Black’ open access is forcing a shake-up of chemistry journal publishing
Cross-party consensus on funding science at last
Whoever wins the UK election science will benefit with promises to double R&D spending
Now you're talking my language
Disciplines all have their own unique terminology: how can we make ourselves understood?
The death of expertise: the campaign against established knowledge and why it matters
Why are people getting sick of experts?
Electricity: the spark of life
The Wellcome collection’s exhibition explores the history of all things electrical
Drug pricing must be more transparent
Pricing is a complex issue - how can we make it clearer?
Has Hong Kong flourished since 1997?
How science has changed in 20 years of Chinese sovereignty
Letters: June 2017
The Welsh scientist who belongs on a tea towel, the origins of soda and 1980s microscopy
Melanie Sanford: 'I'm a big believer in sports'
Melanie Sanford shares lessons from beyond the lab
Delivering gene therapy
After some well-publicised problems, gene therapy – delivering DNA into people’s cells using viruses – is booming, Anthony King finds
What could peer review look like in 2030?
AI, credit for reviewers and more pre-prints: Mark Peplow considers the options
R&D election funding pledges put research at heart of UK economy
For the first time both main parties promise to lift investment to 3% of GDP