All Chemistry World articles in November 2017
View all stories from this issue.
The digital mind: how science is redefining humanity
What will be the consequences for society when brains and computers become indistinguishable?
Mass: the quest to understand matter from Greek atoms to quantum fields
A book on quantum theory best approached by those with an elastic mind
The genome factor: what the social genomics revolution reveals about ourselves, our history and the future
Exploring the use of genetics in social policy
Marie Curie, the migrant chemist
150 years after Marie Curie’s birth, Mike Sutton delves into her life and research
The angry chef: bad science and the truth about healthy eating
Tackling myths about food and nutrition
Seeing is believing
Cryo-EM may seem more physics and engineering, but chemistry is its killer app
Natural selection
Bioactive compounds don’t just inspire new synthetic strategies, they’re also the ultimate test
(‒)-Pavidolide B
An innovative approach to making five-membered carbon rings makes for a strikingly short synthesis
November 2017 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the November 2017 print issue of Chemistry World
Huge molecular fragment quantum tunnels in everyday lab reaction
First example of a whole trifluoromethyl group sneaking through an energy barrier
Are trade sanctions fair?
How much should markets be protected from cheaper imports? When does healthy competition become ‘dumping’?
Chemistry’s not boring, you’re boring
We said we won’t inspire the next generation with gimmicks - and you’ve responded
Inside a fledgling research group
You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your lab partners…
Rise of the biologics
Antibodies, RNA and gene therapy don’t necessarily compete with small molecule drugs – and they all rely on chemistry
Moving to South Africa
With a thriving chemical industry, the country could offer an exciting new life