All Chemistry World articles in December 2017
View all stories from this issue.
The secret science of superheroes
Aurora Walshe reviews a book that will make you laugh like an evil genius
Adapt: how we can learn from nature’s strangest inventions
Laura Fisher reviews a tale of bio-inspired technology
Not a scientist: how politicians mistake, misrepresent, and utterly mangle science
A book that looks critically at the way science is treated by policymakers, reviewed by Susan Vickers
Is the universe a hologram? Scientists answer the most provocative questions
From Nobel chemists pondering politics to computer scientists musing on Plato
Scale: the universal laws of life and death in organisms, cities and companies
Geoffrey West’s book outlines his research on the maths behind complex systems of all kinds
Soonish: Emerging technologies that will improve and/or ruin everything
A look at what could happen in the near-ish future
Letters: December 2017
Your thoughts on exploding tanks, dicholoromethane and closing down the lab for Christmas
Beer: Music to your taste buds
Andy Extance goes on tour in the UK and Belgium and compares the science behind the different processes used by craft and mass brewers
Merck & Co and Qiagen to build UK research hubs
Almost 2000 jobs to be created at research centres in Manchester and London
December 2017 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the December 2017 print issue of Chemistry World
And then you’re dead: what really happens if you get swallowed by a whale, are shot from a cannon, or go barreling over Niagara
Katrina Krämer reviews a collection of unusual, impossible and amusing death scenarios
Geri Richmond: 'I was hesitant to use creativity in science'
Geri Richmond on motherhood, office space and funky chickens
Beyond buckets and batches
Embracing flow chemistry means leaving behind some faithful friends