All Chemistry World articles in January 2018
View all stories from this issue.
You must be very intelligent: the PhD delusion
Philippa Matthews reviews a semi-autobiographical account of a PhD student in the UK
The salt fix: why the experts got it all wrong and how eating more might save your life
A book with a controversial message. But Yuandi Li asks if it’s too good to be true
Carolyn Bertozzi
One-time heavy rocker Carolyn Bertozzi has made a name for herself with hit papers and sound science. Sarah Houlton charts her path to success
More molecules of murder
Aurora Walshe reviews a book that walks the line between morbid and fascinating
The plant microbiome
The key to healthy plants is healthy microbiomes. Anthony King meets the crop scientists hoping to boost yields by managing microorganisms
Life in Amsterdam
The capital of the Netherlands has a thriving chemical community, if you’re allowed to work there
January 2018 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the January 2018 print issue of Chemistry World
Exhibition: codebreakers and groundbreakers
A chance to read Alan Turing’s school reports and see an Enigma machine borrowed from GCHQ
For the sake of argument
It’s important to recognise which disputes can actually be resolved by science
Priming courts for science
The first guides to understanding scientific evidence in the courtroom
Something to declare on Brexit
As it stands, there is no credible model of a Brexit agreement which does not weaken the competitiveness of the UK chemical industry
Snapshots of life’s dancers
We need to stop viewing proteins as static and embrace their dynamism
Chemical industry roundup 2017
Economic and political pressure is encouraging industry to become more specialised as certain sectors consolidate
Pharmaceuticals roundup 2017
Political influence has strongly shaped industry activity in the past year
Academic versus predator
Researchers must halt the rise of predatory journals by cutting off their supply of papers
A blueprint for colour-blind science
The US political climate is hostile to people of colour – but progress has been stagnant for decades