All Chemistry World articles in March 2018
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The dialogues: conversations about the nature of the universe
A graphic novel with a conversational review
Strange chemistry: the stories your chemistry teacher wouldn’t tell you
Jamie Durrani reviews a book on chemistry you are unlikely to encounter in the classroom
Battery builders get the cobalt blues
Demand for battery metals surges on the back of a global appetite for electric vehicles
Making the monster: the science behind Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
A book that delves into the backstory of a sci-fi horror classic
The element in the room: science-y stuff staring you in the face
The Festival of the Spoken Nerd goes from stage to page
The antibiotic countdown
Where are the next generation of antibiotics going to come from? Clare Sansom looks at the pipeline
Computer literate
Computational chemistry is no longer an esoteric sub-discipline, it’s everywhere
Company profile: Ellutia
Ellutia takes GC beyond the ‘box-in-the-lab’, with its customised chromatography
When it comes to diversity, actions speak louder than graphs
There can be such a thing as too much data
'I've never been interested in microscopy'
Stefan Hell on why he doesn’t want to see your microscope collection
Renewable energy in China
Huge investments and cutting-edge research are helping China to pioneer innovations in clean energy technologies, reports Mark Peplow
When evidence isn’t enough
The UK debate over folic acid highlights science’s role in public health ethics