All Chemistry World articles in September 2018
View all stories from this issue.
Chernobyl: History of a Tragedy
What went wrong on the 26 April 1986 disaster and what continued to go wrong in the days, weeks and years that followed
Superhuman: Life at the Extremes of Mental & Physical Ability
Meet the people at the peak of their powers
Couette’s cell
Maurice Marie Alfred Couette, French physicist (1858-1943) and pioneer in fluid dynamics
On the spot: Breathe easy
An alarm is going off in an NMR lab as you walk by. What would you do?
September 2018 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the September 2018 print issue of Chemistry World
Exhibition: The Future Starts Here
A look at the technology that challenges us to change the future
Chemistry A-level entries show rise in popularity
Exam results in the UK show more young people, particularly young women, are studying chemistry
Brute force and ignorance
It’s time for academia to get with the project plan and fail faster
Feeding the confusion
When it comes to working out what foods do to our bodies, mostly we just don’t know
Behind enemy lines
When trade war breaks out, globalised industries ship out to dodge tariffs
The quest to cure HIV
Although HIV–Aids can now be managed quite well with antiretroviral drugs, there is still no cure. Anthony King talks to the scientists trying to find one
Wanted: chemistry’s next superstar
The drop in chemistry undergraduates highlights the need for more inspirational scientists
Malika Jeffries-EL: Pineapple does not belong on pizza!
Newly appointed ACS fellow Malika Jeffries-EL shows her New Yorker side
Fast freezing reveals new insights into lithium battery degradation
Cryo-STEM shows a second type of dendrites growing on lithium electrodes