All Chemistry World articles in October 2018
View all stories from this issue.
On the spot: Boil and bubble
What would you do if a bottle of waste chemicals starts bubbling?
Catching Stardust: Comets, Asteroids and the Birth of the Solar System
Revealing the mysteries of space, one mote of dust at a time
The bonds that bind
Chemical bonds continue to fascinate chemists – and bring us together too
Has Crispr’s patent battle run its course?
As the originators duke it out in court, their patents are becoming increasingly irrelevant
October 2018 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the October 2018 print issue of Chemistry World
It's time peer reviewers got some love
Proper recognition of the vital role referees play is overdue
The kids are alright
Teaching can be a challenge… especially when you’ve never studied your subject
Combining Lewis acid and redox catalysis
Organic phenalenyl cations perform a dual role without transition metals
'I feel like a chemical Peter Pan'
Martyn Poliakoff on green chemistry, Rosalind Franklin and the importance of technicians
There is no one answer to improving diversity
Grassroots initiatives and larger projects are both vital weapons in the battle for equality
Letters: October 2018
Your views on prizes and diversity, biodegradable wrapping and talent searches
The nuclear option
Using radioisotopes to image inside patients’ bodies – nuclear medicine – is under threat from ageing reactors. James Mitchell Crow discovers the new science trying to fix the problem
Beating the scopolamine clock
New techniques could increase the window to detect predatory drug poisoning
Ultracold molecules are poised to unearth chemistry’s foundations
Molecules close to absolute zero will soon help chemists unravel the toughest questions about why reactions occur at all
A bold plan for Open Access
European research funders form Coalition S to set out bold vision for Open Access publishing