All Chemistry World articles in November 2018
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Nobel vision
Looking beyond the here-and-now let click chemistry open up a whole new world of possibility
The Autobiography of a Transgender Scientist
Ben Barres’ memoir discusses his research and advocacy work
Bitter Pills: The Global War on Counterfeit Drugs
Muhammad Zaman’s book gives an account of the challenges facing drug regulators worldwide
The great war clean-up
A century after the end of the first world war, the task of disposing of old chemical weapons continues. Michael Freemantle reports
How to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics
Journalist Michael Pollan’s 9th book is a fascinating history of psychedelic drugs.
The kids are (still) alright
Last month brought a tale from a first-time teacher. But how do you keep things fresh after 12 years?
Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science’s Highest Honor
Is the Nobel prize advancing or hampering scientific progress?
November 2018 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the November 2018 print issue of Chemistry World
Passing through checkpoints
A new breed of cancer treatments highlights what’s possible when industry concentrates its efforts
Evidence in the fake news era
Independent scientific advice is about to collide with partisan politics
Small biocides companies face uncertain fate
Cost and complexity of European law hampers innovation and excludes SMEs
The potential of promiscuity
Nobel recognition for a concept whose benefit to humankind is far from being truly realised
The atmospheric nitrogen question
Pollutants, key atmospheric components and vital fertilisers: nitrogen compounds are all of these, as Emma Davies finds out
Readdressing success
Prizes not only recognise excellence, they can challenge us to be better too
Cancer immunotherapy spreads rapidly
New approvals and expanded use for checkpoint inhibitor drugs illustrate the power of Nobel-winning science