All Chemistry World articles in December 2018
View all stories from this issue.
Film: The Devil We Know
The story of an industrial waste dumping scandal, the effects of which have persisted for decades
The Weather Detective: Rediscovering Nature’s Secret Signs
Peter Wohlleben’s book shows urbanites how to re-connect with nature through the weather
Nodding Off: The Science of Sleep from Cradle to Grave
Alice Gregory’s book explains the purpose, psychology and physiology of sleep at different stages of life
The Book of Humans: The Story of How We Became Us
Adam Rutherford sets out to explain what it is that sets us apart from other animals
Hello World: How to be Human in the Age of the Machine
Mathematician Hannah Fry explores the power and limitations of the algorithms that surround us
Science, suffrage and misogyny
100 years after women could first vote in UK general elections, Rachel Brazil looks back at their fight for professional equality in chemistry
The Rhubarb Connection and Other Revelations: The Everyday World of Metal Ions
Lars Öhrström and Jacques Covès tell the stories of the metal ions in modern technology and medicine
23 things that happened in chemistry in 2018
Lot’s of chemistry happened in 2018, here’s a review of the year in numbers
Organic Chemistry for Babies
A chance for parents to start training the next generation of chemists
I’m a Joke and So Are You: A Comedian’s Take on What Makes Us Human
Robin Ince unravels the quirks of the human mind through conversations with psychologists, neuroscientists and fellow comedians
December 2018 puzzles: Jumbo CrOsSWORd
Download the puzzles from the December 2018 print issue of Chemistry World
'I used to have a golden Rolls Royce...'
Peter Atkins on textbooks, Tibet and his legendary automobile
Chemists Rosalind Franklin and Dorothy Hodgkin in the running for new face of £50 note
Other favourites to adorn the new polymer note are Stephen Hawking, Ada Lovelace and Margaret Thatcher
Pushing the limits of patent protection
Some methods of extending exclusivity rights raise legal and ethical questions
A taste of wine chemistry
Nina Notman talks to the wine detectives uncovering the flavour molecules in our favourite tipples