All Chemistry World articles in March 2019
View all stories from this issue.
For Science, King & Country: The Life and Legacy of Henry Moseley
Alan Dronsfield reviews a biography of the talented young researcher who developed the concept of atomic numbers
Borrowed Time: The Science of How and Why We Age
The field of aging research is still in its infancy
The Poison Squad
Katrina Kramer reviews a biography of Harvey Wiley, who transformed US food safety laws
Exhibition: Celebrating the Periodic Table
A new exhibition at Cambridge University pays tribute to the chemical elements and their discoverers
Humble Pi: A Comedy of Maths Errors
Matt Parker’s book shows just how serious the consequences of mathematical mistakes can be
The end of phlogiston and the discovery of oxygen
Pure air, dephlogisticated air or a new element? Josephy Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier get to grips with new gases in this month’s comic
Better chemistry through data
Are you under constant pressure to innovate? Get a boost from data analytics
We’re going to need a bigger flask
Scaling up reactions is easy to get wrong in a variety of ways
IYPT is good news for chemistry
Brimming with opportunity, IYPT is putting chemistry and chemists centre stage
Collaborative atmospheres
A project in three European countries is alerting rural communities to ozone pollution
The scientists Making Our Planet Great Again
Four researchers explain why they answered President Macron’s call to come to France
Divergent reality
If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, the two will inevitably drift further apart