All Chemistry World articles in July 2019
View all stories from this issue.
Unravelling the Double Helix: The Lost Heroes of DNA
A compelling narrative that shines a light on the unsung pioneers behind science’s greatest discovery – Gareth Williams dives into the rich history of DNA
When the Dogs Don’t Bark: A Forensic Scientist’s Search for the Truth
Forensic scientist Angela Gallop shares the evolution of her career and of forensic science itself
The third degree on actinide covalency
The often ignored elements are attracting chemists’ attention again
Making matters: the story of PrintCity
How a 3D printing research centre was built from the bottom up
Does the higher education review augur well for universities?
Political winds are buffeting higher education once more
The Solar Army marches on
High school students in Puerto Rico are using chemistry to combat climate change
Get with the quantum program
Now is the time for industry to engage with the emerging world of quantum computers
Free online course: Statistical thinking for industrial problem solving
Using a data driven approach to deliver solutions
P is for phosphorus
A reporter from Alchemistry World reveals the unpleasant secret behind The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorus
Exhibition: AI: More than Human
The Barbican Centre’s AI: More than Human exhibition explores AI’s origins in history and culture, and delves into the ways the technology is set to change the way we think about intelligence in the future
Fraser Stoddart: 'Even when I'm sleeping, I average 40mph'
On rotaxanes, travel and his love of Edinburgh
Pride and prejudice
Cambridge’s first official Pride event stood in contrast to the everyday experiences of some LGBT+ scientists, but a new report shows how things are improving
Taking the k out of kinetics
Even if classic kinetics are correct, that doesn’t mean we can’t fix them
Letters: July 2019
Your thoughts on plastic pollution and the best ways of ensuring lab safety
Primo Levi and the other periodic table
Author and chemist Primo Levi was born 100 years ago this July. Philip Ball looks at his chemical and literary legacy – including his books The Periodic Table and If This Is a Man