All Chemistry World articles in December 2019
View all stories from this issue.
Cook, Taste, Learn: How the Evolution of Science Transformed the Art of Cooking
A tour of the history and science behind the art of cooking, and treasure trove of of interesting facts for chefs and chemists alike
Transcendence: How Humans Evolved through Fire, Language, Beauty and Time
A fast-paced journey through the entire history of humans, trying to answer the question of what makes us different from other animals
Christina White: ‘Discovery requires the human element’
The pioneering organic chemist on taking inspiration from sport
A Sonnet to Science: Scientists and Their Poetry
A collection of poetry providing insight into the lives and minds of prominent scientists
How to break up a Christmas party
Did a thrown glass shard fell a festive partygoer, or was he stabbed?
Mass spectrometry: Manchester to Michigan
Non-targeted analysis, data science and innovation have synchronised to underpin the next generation of separation science analysis in mass spectrometry. LECO UK’s separations science product specialist Alan Griffiths explains
Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? Big Questions from Tiny Mortals About Death
A book for ‘future corpses of all ages’ as the author – a mortician – answers questions about death asked by children
Letters: December 2019
You tell us what you think about emissions and industry-academic partnerships, and add some historical context
Undergraduates in their element
Harnessing the history of tungsten to engage school students with the periodic table
Superbugs: The Race to Stop an Epidemic
A doctor’s story about his fight against drug-resistant microbes that threaten the future of medicine
What’s next after the International Year of the Periodic Table?
Chemistry outreach needs to build on IYPT in ways that connect with people and their lives
How to Grow a Human: Adventures in Who We Are and How We Are Made
Is an organ grown from stem cells human? And what rights – if any – should a it have? These are questions Philip Ball – who many might know as Chemistry World columnist – explores in his new book.
Cards on the table
Did the International Year of the Periodic Table have its expected impact?
December 2019 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the December 2019 print issue of Chemistry World
The periodic patience of Dmitri Mendeleev
In our final comic of the International Year of the Periodic Table, Mendeleev puts his elemental cards on the table
Sharing equipment responsibly
How the Swedish principle of collective responsibility keeps science running smoothly
Women in Their Element: Selected Women’s Contributions To The Periodic System
The book’s 38 essays highlight women’s contributions to chemistry, ranging from well-known accounts to stories rarely told