All Chemistry World articles in Archive 2004-2009
View all stories from this issue.
Antimony, Gold, and Jupiter’s Wolf by Peter Wothers – Book club
We talk about chemist Peter Wothers’ first popular science book that uncovers the surprising origins of the elements’ names
France to ban 36 glyphosate products by end of 2020
Move follows similar bans in several European states, with safety agency citing ‘absence of scientific data ruling out genotoxic risks’
Opening the gate for molecular electronics
Proof that tweaking molecular orbital energies regulate can control single molecule transistors
English university funding squashed again
Universities lose another £135 million for 2009/10 academic year, bring the total cuts to £518 million
2009 marks the start of the great divide
Chemistry World's roundup of the year's chemical industry activities shows the growing strength of emerging economies
SlipChip serves up protein crystals
A simple microfluidic device for testing multiple reaction conditions has been designed
French researchers get funding boost
French universities have been given an early Christmas present of extra funding to boost their competitiveness
'Two-legged' molecular walker takes a stroll
A small molecule motor that can walk in a straight line has been made UK scientists
Single catalyst gives two products from racemic mixture
Yttrium-based catalyst accelerate the transformation of both enantiomers in a racemic mixture to yield two distinct enantiopure products
Nanoscale 3D imaging in a single shot
A quick and easy way to take 3D images at the nanoscale with a single measurement has been developed by US researchers
STFC funding axe bodes ill for UK science
UK Science and Technology Facilities Council reprioritises, slashing studentships and facility funding as budgets are cut
Research funding plan should be abandoned, say academics
18,000 researchers sign petition calling for economic impact assessment in research funding applications to be scrapped
Pharma's year of merger mania
Our round-up of the pharmaceutical industry in 2009 shows the fallout from this year's mega-mergers has swept across the sector
New approach for EU research called for
Experts call for EU leaders to make 'radical improvements' in research policy following an assessment of the current state of European science
Breaking the strongest bonds
Chemists have severed one of the strongest bonds in chemistry - in dinitrogen - and reacted it with carbon monoxide to make useful organic compounds