All Chemistry World articles in September 2020
View all stories from this issue.
Scientists at EPA allege ‘deliberate tampering’ with chemical risk reviews
Environment body’s inspector general asked to probe claims that safety assessments of chemicals, including PFASs, have been ‘improperly altered’ for years
Why do we still do chemistry?
It’s still not clear whether quantum chemistry has all the answers
Peer review requires revisions
Peer review is not perfect, but nor is it fundamentally flawed
Hybrid light–matter particles offer tantalising new way to control chemistry
Early experiments are revealing that vacuum-field catalysis could make reactions happen with mirrors and nothingness
September 2020 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the September 2020 print issue of Chemistry World
The drive to recycle lithium-ion batteries
Electric vehicles are surging in popularity but Patrick Hughes asks what happens once their batteries are no longer fit for purpose
Fortin’s barometer and balance
Defining a new system of measurement required a master instrument maker
Neonicotinoids in Africa
Consistent continent-wide regulatory systems are essential for sustainable agriculture
New frontiers in synthetic chemistry conference
An accomplished lineup of speakers will present at the New frontiers in synthetic chemistry conference co-hosted by AstraZeneca and the Royal Society of Chemistry in November
United We Are Unstoppable: 60 Inspiring Young People Saving Our World – Book club
60 young climate activitsts from 41 countries tell their stories of fighting for a sustainable future
Speeding up your innovation cycle
Work smarter by leaving behind traditional trial and error methods and adopting design of experiments
Letters: September 2020
Readers continue to debate Tomáš Hudlický’s Angewandte Chemie article, and wax lyrical about water and waste
How to Argue with a Racist: History, Science, Race and Reality
The perfect ammunition to respond to racial discrimination should you encounter someone trying to justify their prejudice with science
How to protect your intellectual property
A great idea is just the first step on a long road
Deadly science inspiring future Indigenous scientists
Corey Tutt took on a second job to stock the bookshelves of remote Australian schools
Edgar Cahoon: ‘There is still so much basic knowledge to learn’
The biochemist and plant scientist talks about growing up on a dairy farm in Eastern Virginia, gardening, biking and Cornhusker football
Enabling environments support the development of diverse teams
A great workplace allows individuals to be constrained only by the limits of their own minds
European Synchrotron’s new x-rays shine 100 times brighter
Extremely Brilliant Source, which took €150 million and 20 months to build, has already been used for Covid-19 research