All Chemistry World articles in October 2020
View all stories from this issue.
Martin Gouterman: the gay man behind the four-orbital model
Abhik Ghosh tells the story of a porphyrin chemist who was a leading figure in Seattle’s gay rights movement of the 1960s
Spinach on The Ceiling: The Multifaceted Life of a Theoretical Chemist
Martin Karplus’ autobiography offers deep insights into his scientific work but few personal touches
Identifying mineralised tissue in the fight against wildlife crime
Is it horn, antler, teeth, ivory… or artificial?
Chemistry pedagogy for a modern world
The Royal Society of Chemistry has taken a new approach to teaching higher education students the fundamentals of maths and stereochemistry, putting students themselves at the heart of the process
Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century
Accounts of grief and joy, independence and interdependence, challenge and transformative creativity
The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)
Universe-ending scenarios made to fit our tiny human minds
The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking) by Katie Mack – Book club
It’s the end times for our universe with five scenarios that of how it might meet its ultimate demise
Communicating chemistry through music
Partnering musicians with researchers produced some emotional results
Hot Molecules, Cold Electrons
A journey through history and science that lets readers to work out their maths muscles
October 2020 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the October 2020 print issue of Chemistry World
Fully automated synthesis of fluorine-18 PET tracers
Making radioisotopes suitable for positron emission tomography
Letters: October 2020
Readers sniff out some chemicals and share how they would respond in an emergency
Time for the working hours debate
As universities reopen, academics should make time to take breaks
Blood offering
Antibodies in various forms could bridge the Covid-19 treatment gap until a vaccine is available
Chemical detective work shows its power in latest Novichok saga
Analytical chemistry’s forensic feats are astounding but so commonplace now that we’ve become blasé to them
Algorithm discovers how six simple molecules could evolve into life’s building blocks
Program shows how micelles, catalysts and self-replicating chemical systems emerge from abiotic precursors
Searching for superconductors with supercomputers
What if most materials are superconductors under the right conditions, wonders José Flores-Livas
Room temperature superconductors
A dream since electricity was first harnessed humanity is tantalisingly close to achieving this goal