All Chemistry World articles in July 2021
View all stories from this issue.
Using genetics to personalise prescriptions
We’ve known for a long time that different people respond to certain drugs to very different extents, but now cheap DNA testing could make these disparities a thing of the past, as Ian Le Guillou reports
Gene therapy showcases technique to extend life in mice
Lab mice lived significantly longer after receiving one of two genes, delivered using a mouse herpes virus
Hydrotrioxides are in the air
10 million tonnes of the highly reactive three-oxygen compounds could form in Earth’s atmosphere every year
Science in Black and White by Alondra Oubré – Book club
Exposing racially biased research by delving into the nature versus nurture debate
Inspiring partnerships
Our future global prosperity depends on innovation, partnerships and teamwork, across nations and between disciplines
Chemical upcycling
Economics is central to invigorating the transition to a circular economy for plastic
Letters: July 2021
Readers discuss whether air rifles or bomb disposal techniques are best for dealing with waste chemicals
What’s revolutionary about the Chemical Revolution?
How an event in chemistry shaped philosophy
Opening up a cellular black box
Working out how biomolecular condensates work may reveal a lot about the success or failure of different drugs
Publicly criticising employers is a valid way to raise concerns
Workplaces won’t improve unless people are able to speak up about their experiences
Mabel FitzGerald and the mystery of oxygen sensing
Katharine Sanderson celebrates the tenacious and brilliant researcher who came tantalizingly close to describing oxygen sensing, a concept that earned the Nobel prize over 100 years later
Representing neurodivergent, queer Indian women in science
How I became the representation I needed
Fun with f-elements
Working with lanthanides and actinides may be challenging, but David Mills says the field is ripe for discovery
Five citizen science projects receive funding from UKRI
The projects cover a range of topics including mental health and microplastics
Swiss decision to abandon trade talks raises questions over research relationship with EU
Political fallout could hit Swiss involvement in European science programmes