All Chemistry World articles in September 2021
View all stories from this issue.
Four years of chemistry preprints
Nina Notman takes stock of how preprint severs have settled into the chemistry community
Lights, smartphones, action!
How an intrepid group of technicians adventured into the world of filmmaking
Letters: September 2021
Readers share their thoughts on chemical names and rights for workers, and continue an explosive conversation
Deep Sniff: A History of Poppers and Queer Futures by Adam Zmith – Book club
A history of a drug – and the queer community
The lifesaving work of Evelyn Hickmans
Anne Green tells us how a female chemist almost single-handedly established paediatric clinical chemistry and led to a first in global health
Remotely of value?
The benefits and drawbacks of working or studying from home are not clear cut
Rallying to the chemical safety cause
How Matt Endean works to keep children safe in school chemistry laboratories
Podbielniak’s contactor
How a new spin on separation produced petroleum, penicillin and much more
September 2021 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the September 2021 print issue of Chemistry World
Experimenting in a pandemic
Chemistry teachers have faced extraordinary challenges in preparing and running practicals in the past 18 months. Clare Sansom investigates how they have fared
Taeghwan Hyeon: ‘Multidisciplinary collaboration is a must’
The nanoparticle pioneer on the importance of reading, exercise and nurturing excellent young scientists
The multi-pronged search for Covid-19 treatments
Drugs that block infection or reduce inflammation will complement vaccine protection
The price of failure
Drug market structures and high R&D failure rates can tempt companies into bad pricing behaviour
Actinium’s radius revised to solve cancer therapy mystery
For decades, scientists have been using the wrong ionic radius for one of Earth’s rarest element
Research and regulations face-up to a new era of non-animal testing alternatives
Hopes raised that approval for skin sensitisation test could mark the start of a raft of in vitro toxicity tests
How a virus ancestor powers our memory’s chemistry
Andy Extance tells the astonishing story of the Arc protein and its capsid forms, and the questions it poses