All Chemistry World articles in December 2021
View all stories from this issue.
Fixing chemistry’s branding problem
Engaging with others to improve the central science’s image
The chemist’s gambit
If artificial intelligence can revolutionise chess, what might it do to chemistry?
Marie-Anne Paulze Lavoisier the invisible assistant
Could her famous husband have played such a key role in ‘the new chemistry’ without her? Hayley Bennett investigates
Thomas Midgley and the toxic legacy of leaded fuel
Leaded petrol was around for 100 years, and the campaign against it for almost as long. Mike Sutton reveals its history
Murder isn’t Easy by Carla Valentine – Book club
Delving into Agatha Christie’s pioneering forensic writing with special guests Raychelle Burks and Kathryn Harkup
Picturing the future
If we don’t embrace the vision of a sustainable future, who will bear the climate costs?
The labs pointing to a greener future for Africa
Tackling climate is not just a job for scientists in more developed countries. Munyaradzi Makoni talks to researchers in Kenya and South Africa to find out more
Why eating a sleigh’s worth of candy canes is a bad idea
Like any compound, the festive flavour of peppermint can be harmful in high doses
December 2021 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the December 2021 print issue of Chemistry World
Letters: December 2021
Readers discuss the environment and greener fuels, and speculate on chemistry’s role in the first world war
A clouded view of industry emissions
Standards and auditing are sorely needed if emissions targets are to be upheld
A red pill for green medicines
The pharmaceutical industry is taking action towards net zero
Rethinking our relationship to nature
How the scientific revolution made it culturally permissible to exploit the environment
James Clark: ‘I hate waste in any sense’
The pioneering green chemist on the development of the field and the power of waste
The impact of shipping delays on chemical industries
Supply chain difficulties don’t only affect supermarkets
Chemistry career options in sustainability
There’s a wide variety of jobs that place the environment at their core
Record-breaking hexagon made out of fused aromatic rings
90 rings form the largest structure of its kind ever made