All Chemistry World articles in November 2022
View all stories from this issue.
RSC calls on government to address lab space shortage
Decades-long shortfall in suitable facilities has held back growth and innovation
NIH to insist foreign partners share lab notebooks and data
US research funder will require collaborators to give copies of lab notebooks, raw data and more by new year
Thermal analysis in the development of long-acting injectable systems
Evaluating new polymers for slow-release drug delivery could deliver better treatment for patients
Highlighting different routes into science
Why we need a greater variety of educational paths
Work or study… or work and study?
How employers are helping employees to gain new qualifications, including PhDs
Carving out a career as an amateur scientist
Lacking a degree has not stopped Sebastian Cocioba making waves in the world of biotechnology
Letters: November 2022
Readers reminisce about their careers, and continue the competition to be the RSC’s longest-serving member
November 2022 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the November 2022 print issue of Chemistry World
UK firms face critical lab space shortage
Growing chemistry companies hit a wall when it comes to expanding their labs
Martin Chalfie: ‘I decided I wasn’t going to be a scientist’
The Nobel prizewinner on breaking a promise to himself and the test he had to pass to receive his medal
Why glycans?
Glycoscience is turning out to be more interesting than anyone might have imagined
Machine learning navigates vast materials space to discover new high-performance alloys
Neural net suggested unusual element combination to create better Invar alloys
When will molecular electronics make the connection?
Computer chips based on single molecules may remain a work in progress, finds James Mitchell Crow but the technologies developed along the way are being used by chemists to explore their reactions
Explainer: e-scooter battery fires
In India and across the world, several tragic incidents have prompted scrutiny of small battery vehicles
What next for scientific collaboration as stand-off between China and the west heats up?
Fears over espionage and links to the Chinese military is disrupting long-running collaborations