All Chemistry World articles in September 2023
View all stories from this issue.
Shirley Meng: 'I think science is as beautiful as art'
The materials science pioneer on her Chinese heritage, experience as a female scientist, and the actual measure of success
Flip-flopping aromaticity breaks fluorescence rule
Azulene switches between anti-aromaticity and aromaticity in its excited states, offering an explanation for why it doesn’t follow Kasha’s rule
Polyurethane foams given a new lease of life as high-performance 3D printing inks
Upcycling method paves way to work with other hard to reuse thermoset plastics
The drug developers fighting the antibiotic resistance problem
Andy Extance talks to the researchers innovating across different drug classes in the hunt to develop new treatments
Valerie Mizrahi: ‘There’s no control to the experiment of life’
The world-leading tuberculosis researcher on switching specialities and living in a racially divided nation
Resistant to change
Curbing industrial practices that drive antimicrobial resistance needs tighter regulation and enforcement
How can we maintain the effectiveness of existing antimicrobials?
Reducing environmental pollution and tackling quality issues to stave off resistance
Sharing antimicrobial expertise with Parliament
Emily Stevenson is one of two interns working alongside Green Party peer, Baroness Natalie Bennett
Who will pay for new antibiotics?
Governments around the world are starting to consider alternative funding models and incentives for antibiotics. Katrina Megget asks if it is enough
Surviving in the war of all against all
Cancers and bacteria develop resistance to drugs in remarkably similar ways
A force against fungi
With antifungal resistance on the rise, Leah Cowen’s lab wants to identify molecules that can capitalise on vulnerabilities in fungal pathogens
Charting the rise in antimicrobial resistance
We look at the data behind antibiotic drug discovery and development, bacterial resistance and the financial problems with the current business model
Letters: September 2023
Readers estimate the contribution of lithium mining on power consumption, consider Alzheimer’s antibody therapies and more
September 2023 puzzles
Download the puzzles from the September 2023 print issue of Chemistry World
How to use large language models in chemistry
Five ways that chemists can use GPT-4 and other generative AI tools
Mandatory events aren’t relaxing
Giving employees options for how to de-stress is better for preventing burnout