All Chemistry World articles in Online extras 2024 – Page 9
‘Late-stage saturation’ could improve drugs' effectiveness
Approach turns flat aromatic structures into three-dimensional saturated molecules with improved medicinal properties
Expanding AI and next generation simulation tools to accelerate scientific discovery
Learn how new AI and HPC capabilities will enable novel solutions to complex chemistry problems
‘Mechanochemistry strikes again’ – this time for deoxygenating phosphine oxides
Mechanochemical process works in 30 minutes under air to regenerate phosphine reagents
AI predicts vape flavours can break down into potentially harmful compounds when heated
Flavours may decompose into harmful carbonyls, alkenes and aromatics when heated
Cryptic chemistry crossword #037
Time to flex those mental muscles! Cryptic crossword #037 is calling your name!
Quick chemistry crossword #037
Challenge yourself and unravel the mystery of this quick chemistry crossword
Rodents’ striking orange teeth not down to iron-rich enamel as thought
Metal provides strength but the colour is the result of something else
Lead found in Beethoven’s hair reveals new insight into his ailing health
Kidney and liver problems that killed the composer, as well as hearing loss, are associated with high lead levels
Precious metal-free catalyst conjured using sugar can turn CO2 into chemical feedstock
Simulations and analysis uncover more active metastable phase of molybdenum carbide
Electrochemical acid–base reactions can be fine tuned to control reactivity
Two new parameters can offer tunability to a wide range of electrochemical reactions
Ultracold snapshots reveals in exquisite detail how a bacterial flagellum rotates
Studies explain how motor can flip from clockwise rotation to anticlockwise
Cryptic chemistry crossword #036
From sea dogs to soy, this cryptic crossword puzzle has it all. Can you solve it?
Quick chemistry crossword #036
Feeling like a champion? Prove your word prowess by conquering this quick chemistry crossword!
It’s a gas – with author Mark Miodownik
Learn about the magnificent and elusive elements that expand our world
Warning that solar geoengineering could cause unexpected regional heating
Aerosol modelling study injects note of caution on strategy to control warming
Cryptic chemistry crossword #035
Calling all word wizards! Can you conquer cryptic chemistry crossword #035?
Quick chemistry crossword #035
It’ll take more than just luck to solve quick chemistry crossword puzzle #035