All Chemistry World articles in Online extras 2024 – Page 10
First regular molecular fractal in nature
Scientists have identified a protein that has a fractal structure and find that it was simply an evolutionary accident
Study raises questions about media used for in vitro tests on nanomaterials
Multiomics profiling details how biomolecular corona that form in conventional cell culture differ to those that form in human plasma
New mechanism identified that is potentially linked to very early stages of Alzheimer’s
Understanding role of fragments of amyloid protein could lead to novel therapies for the disease
Structural disorder key to high-capacitance carbon electrodes
Finding could lead to supercapacitors that store more charge
Empowering voices: Advancing social mobility in the chemical sciences
Learn more about socioeconomic barriers to equality in the chemical sciences
E. coli engineered to become methanol addict to make industry feedstocks
Bacterium could head off food versus fuel dilemma by producing chemicals from agricultural waste
Mystery of discrepancies in speed of sound in water cleared up by study of ions
Anions and cations found to have wildly different effect on the speed of sound in solutions
Quick chemistry crossword #034
Think you know your science? Test it out with this quick chemistry crossword!
Light-driven enzyme engineered and repurposed to catalyse unnatural reaction
Directed evolution used to create photoenzyme that can perform new-to-nature radical cyclisation
PFAS levels in the environment have been significantly underestimated
20 years’ worth of environmental samples reveal up to 80% exceed drinking water standards
Cryptic chemistry crossword #033
Are your little grey cells up to the task of solving cryptic crossword #033?
Quick chemistry crossword #033
Put your brain to the test with this quick chemistry crossword challenge!
Algorithm designs proteins from scratch that can bind drugs and small molecules
Strategy could stop an overdose or produce an antidote to a poison
‘Low-VOC’ paints may still release harmful volatiles
New analysis finds volatile compounds and potential allergens in several popular water-based paints
Could mechanochemistry have saved Abbott Laboratories $250 million?
Ball milling solves problem of disappearing ritonavir polymorph
The pivotal role of chemistry in India’s sustainable development
Learn how chemistry is playing an important role in shaping the future of sustainable development in India
Certain household chemicals could pose a threat to brain health, research suggests
Cell and animal tests suggest two classes of common chemicals might play a role in neurological disease