All Chemistry World articles in Online extras 2024 – Page 3
Force-sensitive molecule pulled apart to create highly reactive aryne
High-intensity ultrasound initiates formal retro-[2+2] cycloaddition by stretching a benzocyclobutene core from strategically placed anchor points
Supramolecular crystals show promise for hydrogen storage
Porous catenated network is light weight and stores high volumes of hydrogen
Low-energy electrons in cosmic ice spring surprise by generating prebiotic molecules
Electrons play a far more significant role than photons in creating molecules that might have kick-started life on Earth
Cryptic chemistry crossword #052
Step up to the plate, and knock this cryptic chemistry crossword out of the park!
Chemistry wordoku #059
Unlock the hidden chemistry! Solve this wordoku and discover a noteworthy chemist hidden in the grid
How to get experience for science communication officer roles
Five tips to build your skills and see if it’s a career for you
Super-fast setting sticky polymers can suture tricky internal wounds
Chemical wizardry allowed unstable polymer produced from bio-based precursor to be stabilised
Celebrating 200 editions of Classic Kit
Andrea Sella shares his favourite experiences from delving into the history of lab equipment
Discovery of ‘NO burst’ could help save world’s favourite banana from deadly fungus
Fungus found to flood host with nitric oxide to beat plants’ immune system
Cryptic chemistry crossword #051
It will take order and method to solve this cryptic chemistry crossword.
Quick chemistry crossword #051
Combine your science and crossword skills with this quick chemistry crossword!
The world’s tiniest batteries could power robots the size of cells
Zinc–air microbattery packs the biggest punch yet for a power source with a volume of just two picolitres
Reading into the dangers of poison paint in Victorian-era books
Brightly coloured fabric covers hide poisonous dye legacy
Scratch-resistant metal oxide films made with simple printing technique
The easy-to-make ultrathin materials are flexible, transparent and ideally suited for use in smartphone screens
Reversible 3D images displayed in light-activated material
Images are printed, erased and animated in polymer-based handheld device
Self-assembling RNA strands ‘tamed the chemical chaos’ in prebiotic mixtures
New research explores mechanisms that boost RNA’s stability and resistance to hydrolysis
Cryptic chemistry crossword #050
Solve these 31 clues to prove your cryptic chemistry crossword prowess!
Potential new class of antibiotics takes on flesh-eating infections
Peptide-mimicking compounds target bacterial cell walls