All Chemistry World articles in Online extras 2024 – Page 8
Quick chemistry crossword #040
Are you a puzzle-solving pro? Try quick chemistry crossword #040 on for size!
Recycled construction waste could cut cement and steel’s carbon footprint
Cement can be regenerated during steel recycling in an electric arc furnace
Conjugate vaccine curbs xylazine effects in mice
Proof-of-concept for therapy that harnesses immune system to fight fentanyl adulterant
Genetic engineering feat coaxes yeast to produce valuable vaccine compound
Yeast could head off supply fears for vaccines ingredient by replacing soapbark tree as source of adjuvant
Labs across the globe networked by AI discover state-of-the-art emitters for lasers
Demonstration shows how algorithms could organise timing and match specialist equipment to experiments
Cryptic chemistry crossword #039
Ready to mix things up? This cryptic chemistry crossword is the perfect blend of challenge and fun for chemistry lovers.
Chemistry wordoku #045
Solve this wordoku and discover the German chemist jumbed in the answer
Quick chemistry crossword #039
Combine your inner chemist and inner wordsmith to solve this quick chemistry crossword!
Promethium bond length completes picture of the size of lanthanides’ atoms
Study fills one of the last gaps in our knowledge of the periodic table
Simplified hydroformylation replaces rhodium with base metal
Bench-friendly asymmetric hydroformylation swaps toxic gas and expensive catalyst for cheap reagents and mild conditions
How A-level chemistry solved the 200-year-old problem with the haloform reaction
Mechanistic analysis reveals unknown steps in undergraduate staple, the haloform reaction
Cold plasma converts biogas into long-chain hydrocarbon feedstocks
Waste gases from landfills could be turned into valuable chemical feedstocks
Oxygen’s exotic yet stable bonding in graphene explained
Aromaticity accounts for extended planar structure of oxygen on binding to three neighbouring carbons while enhancing system’s stability
Electronic cooling device is part fridge, part muscle
Soft polymer material flexes to move heat between surfaces
Cryptic chemistry crossword #038
Can you conquer this cryptic chemistry crossword and claim bragging rights?
Quick chemistry crossword #038
Challenge yourself with this interactive quick chemistry crossword - can you solve it?
Porous organic ‘cage of cages’ crystalline structure predicted by computational modelling
Organic cages have been used as precursors to synthesise higher order porous structures, adding to their functionality while the ability to solution process them is retained.
Elevated carbon dioxide lets Sars-CoV-2 live far longer in droplets
Study explains why good ventilation lowers transmission of Covid-19