Kick start your career development with our free three-part online training programme on Design of Experiments, delivered by JMP
Design of Experiments, or DoE, has many benefits to offer in the chemical and processing industries:
- Deeper understanding – it delivers the required knowledge as to how your product/system/process performs
- Better, cheaper solutions – by exploiting the deeper knowledge gained you can determine how to achieve optimum performance, consistently and at the lowest cost
- Reduce total experimental effort by 50% (often more) – by determining the best and minimal set of experimental combinations needed to address your questions upfront
But many of us in research, development and manufacturing are yet to realise the gains DoE has to offer. This is in part due to lack of awareness and lack of know-how. The best way to learn DoE is to get started in applying DoE. We learn by doing. It is a journey, the more we practice, the more we learn.
This series of three 1-hour workshops will provide inspirational examples of the use of DoE in many aspects of bringing products to the market – including product design/discovery/development, process development/scale-up/transfer and analytical method development. It will also provide the necessary know-how to get going with your first DoEs along with resources to use during your continuous learning journey.
Whether you are new to DoE or want a refresher this workshop series will inspire you to get going with DoE.
This webinar has taken place, but you can still register to view the recordings
Programme benefits
The programme will provide you with a solid theoretical understanding of Design of Experiments complemented by hands-on exercises that will give you experience of using JMP’s statistical discovery software to support your learning.
A supportive learning experience
Led by JMP’s experts, with multiple facilitators on hand to answer questions and provide real-time assistance. Both the theory and practice of Design of Experiments will be explained and demonstrated – and then you’ll try it yourself using JMP’s popular statistical discovery software.
A powerful addition to your CV
Demonstrate a solid theoretical foundation in DoE as well as gaining valuable hands-on experience of using JMP’s statistical discovery software. Attend all three webinars to receive a certificate to include in your CPD record, which you can use as evidence to support your Chartered Chemist (CChem) application.
Add value to your own work
Using DoE will help you deliver results faster and more efficiently. By accelerating your R&D, and having the right tools to make critical resource decisions, you can save time and money, and get a much-needed edge in competitive markets.
Use and communicate data
Visualising experimental data in new ways to uncover fresh insights and give real impact to your presentations and communications with key stakeholders.
You can register for each part individually to suit your interests and availability. If you complete all three parts then you will receive a certificate for inclusion in your CPD record. You can also use attendance on this programme as supporting evidence for your Chartered Chemist (CChem) application.
Day 1: Introduction to design of experiments
What is DoE? From example case studies you will see why this is such an important tool for scientists and engineers.
Show moreDay 2: Factorial experiments
Get started making and analysing the simplest experimental designs.
Show moreDay 3: Screening experiments
When there are lots of things you could change you need to maximise efficiency in finding the vital few factors.
Show moreDownload your free trial software
This programme includes hand-on exercises each day, which you can complete on your own computer using JMP’s statistical discovery software. You will need to download and activate a free trial of this software. Once activated this trial will last for 30 days. We recommend you download and activate your free trial two weeks prior to the start of the programme. You can get your free trial direct from JMP’s website.
Meet your JMP experts
Florian Vogt
Emmanuel Romeu
Emmanuel Romeu is senior systems engineer for JMP, where he supports sales and customer development in France. Prior to joining JMP, Romeu worked for more than 15 years as R&D project manager for Beckman Coulter following a role as Industrial Development Manager at IMMUNOTECH.

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