Jump into cryptic chemistry crossword puzzle #028 and get solving!
1, 4d | 01, 4dHighest mountain in the Alps (4, 5) |
4 | Facial blemish (6, 4) |
9, 7d | 09, 7dBiochemist (1912-1998), the first Indian woman to receive a PhD in a scientific discipline (6, 7) |
10 | A plant that grows on another plant (8) |
11 | One way of extracting coal (8, 6) |
12 | Personal information that could embarrass if publicised (5, 5) |
14 | Engrave with acid (4) |
16 | Employs (4) |
18 | First woman to have flown in space (10) |
20 | Drug used to treat seizures (14) |
23 | Insecticide which traditionally used naphthalene (8) |
24 | Original, fundamental (6) |
25 | Male nom de plume of a French female novelist (6, 4) |
26 | Direction (4) |
2 | Musical compositions for choirs, soloists and orchestras (9) |
3 | Transmit, throw (7) |
4 | See 1a (5) |
5 | Italian scientist with a unit for electric potential named after him (10, 5) |
6 | Decorations (9) |
7 | See 9a (7) |
8 | Many times (5) |
13 | Lithium compound used as a ceramic glaze and as a medication (9) |
15 | Small nocturnal mammals with feline appearance, known for their musky scents (5, 4) |
17 | Move like a snake (7) |
19 | Aluminosilicate mineral, typically blue (7) |
21 | Greek mythological character after whom the element previously known as columbium was subsequently named (5) |
22 | Fat (5) |
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