Jump into cryptic chemistry crossword puzzle #028 and get solving!

Squares filled: 0/155
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1, 4d01, 4dHighest mountain in the Alps (4, 5)
4Facial blemish (6, 4)
9, 7d09, 7dBiochemist (1912-1998), the first Indian woman to receive a PhD in a scientific discipline (6, 7)
10A plant that grows on another plant (8)
11One way of extracting coal (8, 6)
12Personal information that could embarrass if publicised (5, 5)
14Engrave with acid (4)
16Employs (4)
18First woman to have flown in space (10)
20Drug used to treat seizures (14)
23Insecticide which traditionally used naphthalene (8)
24Original, fundamental (6)
25Male nom de plume of a French female novelist (6, 4)
26Direction (4)

2Musical compositions for choirs, soloists and orchestras (9)
3Transmit, throw (7)
4See 1a (5)
5Italian scientist with a unit for electric potential named after him (10, 5)
6Decorations (9)
7See 9a (7)
8Many times (5)
13Lithium compound used as a ceramic glaze and as a medication (9)
15Small nocturnal mammals with feline appearance, known for their musky scents (5, 4)
17Move like a snake (7)
19Aluminosilicate mineral, typically blue (7)
21Greek mythological character after whom the element previously known as columbium was subsequently named (5)
22Fat (5)