All Careers articles – Page 5
A more reasonable view of workplace adjustments
Normalising giving people what they need to do their jobs well
Developing custom apparatus to determine battery electrolyte sweet spots
Susan Perkin discusses the unique technique she uses to understand liquids and how they interact with surfaces
Relying on the h-index harms the careers of people who take career breaks
More holistic methods are needed to accurately assess the quality of a researcher’s work
Developing entrepreneurship skills for chemistry students
Learning how to turn an idea into commerical success
Academics around the world protest fee hikes and budget cuts
Financial difficulties affect researchers at all career stages
Financial challenges faced by PhD researchers around the world
Many are protesting stipends that see them work for below minimum wage
Advising on science policy at the House of Commons Library
Xameerah Malik helps MPs to navigate the science that influences policy
Chemical analysis of Tartan questions cultural perceptions of 18th century Scotland
Anita Quye explains why the sciences and the humanities aren’t as disparate as we might think
More guidance makes job and university applications fairer
A question-based format helps candidates prioritise what to tell recruiters
You don’t need coding to be a chemist
Writing your own software can be useful, but what matters is knowing how to use it
Leading in the lab starts at Pittcon
Don’t miss the premier conference on laboratory science
How to develop in your current role
When promotion isn’t automatic, you need to take a proactive approach to your career
Tensions between University of California and unions flare up again over possible cuts to PhDs
Academic unions are concerned by potential enrolment cuts to graduate programmes to offset the cost of pay rises
Documenting hazards in the lab for pregnant chemists
After failing to find the safety information they needed, two pregnant chemists began a project to review hazards in labs
University of California strike ends as employees secure significant pay rises and new contracts
Victory for striking student employees after 40-day walkout that disrupted teaching and research could have repercussions across academia