All Comment articles – Page 12
An 'Aye' for details
Small steps by synthetic chemists could mean giant leaps for those who follow, says Karl Collins
The Choshu five
Alwyn Davies recounts how five Japanese students and their chemist mentor changed Japanese society forever
Change: the only constant
Jim Al-Khalili discusses the risks involved in switching to a new area of research and invites chemists to take a quantum biology leap
A carbon-based future
Society should be prepared to see its reliance on fossil fuels continue long into the 21st century, says Arno de Klerk
Compulsory licences: necessity or threat?
Are compulsory licences for patent-protected drugs a necessary measure, or a threat to innovation?
Chemical bibliometrics
Andreas Barth suggests that regarding research from a molecular viewpoint reveals the big picture
Opening up and sharing
Openly sharing information and research is changing chemistry, says Jean-Claude Bradley. Be first, or be forgotten
An artful solution to scientist shortfall
Joe Connor recalls a little known scheme to persuade arts students into science and asks what we might learn from it today
Is lead linked to violence?
Examining the evidence for the link between lead exposure and violence, Paul Illing finds a cautionary tale
Safeguarding science against falsehood demands debate
Mathias Brust makes a plea for more debate in the scientific literature
Royal Institution's chemical heritage for sale
If the Royal Institution is to have a future, it cannot be separated from its past, says Mark Peplow
Too many scientists?
The proliferation of PhDs is unsustainable and damaging, says Paula Stephan.
Decisive uncertainty
When it comes to scientific advice, we should let the experts speak and improve our understanding of risk, says Síle Lane
The public: clients of science?
Should scientific advice inform or instruct? Steve Fuller says scientists should stick to the facts and let the public decide
Colour and controversy
Bob Hefford considers the spotted past and uncertain future of the chemicals that built the hair dye industry
Running on sun
On the centenary of Giacomo Ciamician’s prediction of a solar-fuelled future, international experts discuss artificial photosynthesis
The art of translation
The world of odour and scent presents a unique communication challenge, says Will Andrews
Chemical biology comes of age
Changing attitudes and increased support mean chemical biology research has a bright future, says Andy Merritt
Monopoly money
Dean Baker says it’s time to start talking seriously about the way in which pharma is funded